Alkalife alkaline water 600ml x 24

Alkalife alkaline water 600ml x 24

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Product Code: ALK0601

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Brand: Alkalife

Alkaline water is gaining recognition and popularity among alternative health professionals and consumers alike. It is slowly becoming accepted that an alkalising diet may have a positive impact on health and vitality. Just as you need to look after the pH level of your pool, your body also has a pH level that needs to be kept in balance too.

The alkalinity of water is measured by what is called the pH level which stands for potential of hydrogen. The pH scale ranges from 0 on the acidic end, to 14 on the alkaline end with 7 being neutral. So waters with a pH reading below 7 is acidic and those above 7 are alkaline. Many people wrongly assume all drinking water is neutral. The fact is, distilled water is neutral, while most of the drinking water available to us is acidic. Alkaline water is also considered to be water with more oxygen.

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